More big fat lies..

15 08 2023

A local friend of ours who is a staunch permaculture practitioner and has become a proponent of regenerative grazing, was awarded a Churchill fellowship last year for the purpose of studying holistic agriculture. While she was in England, she visited Oxford University where she witnessed the below debate between Alan Savory and George Monbiot. It should have been an open and shut case, but honestly, what a missed opportunity. I don’t know if Savory is going gaga but I would reluctantly call George the winner of the debate. And he’s totally wrong…

By all means watch it if you can stand it, it’s not boring but just so frustrating. The video I’m eager for you to watch is actually the one below it. Peter Ballerstedt would have made mince meat of Monbiot, if you’ll pardon the pun…

Unfortunately the sound in the first half is at times not the best, but Peter Ballerstedt’s message is more than convincing.