More Harquebus………

8 07 2016

Hi all.

The global economic slowdown has politicians and economists baffled. TARP, QE, ZIRP and NIRP have failed. What is going on? Well, we were warned decades ago and refused to heed. We have reached the limits of our planet’s ability to provide growth and like peak oil, is being hidden by the largest debt bubble in history. Continuing the pursuit of growth will only exacerbate our environmental, ecological, social and economic problems which, are already severe.

The “Jobs and Growth” mantra of Australia’s recent election was never questioned by the main stream media. (MSM) Until MSM journalists realize the environmentally destructive and civilization destroying nature of compound growth, our problems will only exacerbate and and the probability of the bulk of humanity surviving more than a few decades more which, is already approaching zero, will only further reduce.

If MSM journalists think that they have got reserved places in the elite’s doomsday bunkers and yes, they do exist, aka survival shelters then, they have got rocks in their heads. The corporate controlled MSM journalists must realize that they are being used, find some courage, rebel and hold those that are destroying our world to account. For them not to puts them in the same criminal class as the greedy psychopathic ruling elites that are literally killing us.

Google search criteria: elites doomsday bunkers

“On a finite planet, nothing grows forever.” — Richard Heinberg.

Here is my usual list of links. If you are concerned about your computer’s security then, the last link will be particularly concerning.
Politicians and journalist; just for once, please take a look and read.



“Although the original authors of The Limits to Growth, led by Donella Meadows, caution against tying their predictions too tightly to a specific year, the actual trends of the past four decades are not far off from the what was predicted by the study’s models. A recent paper examining the original 1972 study goes so far as to say that the study’s predictions are well on course to being borne out.”
“All the while, governments cling to the idea that “green capitalism” will magically pull humanity out of the frying pan.”
“As long as we have an economic system that allows private capital to accumulate without limit on a finite planet, and externalize the costs, in a system that requires endless growth, there is no real prospect of making the drastic changes necessary to head off a very painful future.”

“Any social system based on the use of non-renewable resources is by definition unsustainable. Non-renewable means it will eventually run out. If you hyper-exploit your non-renewable surroundings, you will deplete them and die.”
“Due to industrial civilization’s insatiable appetite for growth, we have exceeded the planet’s carrying capacity.”
“changing light bulbs, going vegan, shorter showers, recycling, taking public transport — have nothing to do with shifting power away from corporations, or stopping the growth economy that is destroying the planet.
“Those in power get too many benefits from destroying the planet to allow systematic changes which would reduce their privilege.”
“We need to fight for what we love, fight harder than we have ever thought we could fight, because the bottom line is that any option in which industrial civilization remains, results in a dead planet.”

“These remarks express the growing hostility within ruling circles—not just in Australia—toward democratic forms of rule.
The uncertain election outcome has brought to the surface of political life the simmering frustration and anger within the ultra-wealthy.”
“In other words, the sentiments of ordinary people must be suppressed and not permitted to find any political expression.

“Diesel, diesel, diesel, reinforced concrete, diesel, petroleum, diesel.  That is, installing a wind tower like this requires a huge amount of fossil fuels to accomplish.”

“In every single reinforced concrete structure, silently behind the smooth exterior, the concrete is breaking itself apart due to the corroding steel inside.”

“Dying coral has grabbed attention worldwide, but another equally disturbing die-off is also occurring, and with potentially serious consequences for the climate: Forests around the world are being decimated as the planet grows steadily warmer.

Economies built on scaffolds of debt eventually collapse. There comes a moment when the service of the debt, as we see in Greece, becomes unsustainable.”
“The only way to stop this move to the right is for genuine socialist movements and parties, such as Podemos in Spain, to organize and challenge the international banking system and its enablers in the political establishment. And they need to do it now.”

“With a shortage of food, many have already turned to looting, violence and theft, while others recoil under the horrors of bureaucratic hell waiting in long lines for food that may or may not be there.
Until very recently, Venezuela was a civilized place, and that’s how quickly things can come unglued.”

“As a twenty three year old born into the possibility of environmental collapse, there’s nothing more important – and more difficult – than fixing what generations before me have broken.
“Coral reefs, already reeling from a two-year global bleaching event that has left large swaths of ocean biomes dying or dead, will likely continue to suffer during a third year of warmer oceans, researchers warned Monday.”

“Zombie corals, which look healthy but cannot reproduce, have been discovered by researchers, dashing hopes that such reefs could repopulate areas destroyed by bleaching.
Scientists have also found that a common ingredient in sunscreen is killing and mutating corals in tourist spots.”

“80% of China’s underground water is not suitable for drinking and many rivers are too polluted to touch.”

“Believe it or not, we use more of this natural resource than any other except water and air. Sand is the thing modern cities are made of.”

“After being dragged onto the beach with the very ropes that had ensnared it, the video shows, the creature thrashes helplessly on the sand before being pulled further still from the only thing that could actually save it — the ocean.”

“As Moscow repeatedly out manoeuvres Washington and refuses to rise to Washington’s bait, Washington doubles-down and readies for war.”

This is just one bank. There are many more.

“Despite the Vote, the Odds Are Against Britain Leaving the EU — Paul Craig Roberts”
“The propagandists who comprise the Western political and media establishments succeeded in keeping the real issues out of public discussion and presenting the leave vote as racism. However, enough of the British people resisted the brainwashing and controlled debate to grasp the real issues: sovereignty, accountable government, financial independence, freedom from involvement in Washington’s wars and conflict with Russia.”

“The Brexit vote was inevitable. Britain had no choice but to jump in the lifeboat and abandon the sinking EU Ponzi scheme.”

“this year’s bleaching event is the longest on record, and could stretch into a third year. Already, over a third of the corals in the Great Barrier Reef have died.

“The EU is circling the wagons, painting Britain as a reluctant European and seeks to punish her to dissuade other nations from similar actions. EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s tart summary reflects this view: “It’s not an amicable divorce, but it never really was a close love affair anyway”.”
“In essence, for those who believe they are born to rule, Brexit signals the need to limit democracy to ensure that important decisions are left to self-certified experts. European Parliament President Martin Schultz was refreshingly clear: “It is not the EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate”.”

“Iceland again sets a unique example of leadership for populist movements around the world who are eager for an end to corrupt politics, central reserve-banking tyranny and the takeover of government by corporate interests”

“All that we are experiencing—the sense of dread at what is coming down the pike, the desperation, the apathy about government corruption, the deeply divided partisanship, the carnivalesque political spectacles, the public displays of violence, the nostalgia for the past—are part of the dying refrain of an America that is fading fast.
No longer must the government obey the law.
Likewise, “we the people” are no longer shielded by the rule of law.”

“100 years ago, General Douglas Haig, commander-in-chief of the British Army fighting on the continent during World War I, launched a major offensive in a part of northern France that is known as the Département de la Somme.”

“Hillary Clinton Email Archive”

“Intel, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of computer Central Processing Units (CPU) has included a clandestine backdoor in ALL recent x386 Chips which allows US gov’t or corporations HQ to SPY on the computer and there’s no way to stop it!”
“As word of this spreads, governments at every level all around the world, will begin fast and furious dumping of all their Intel-CPU-based computers.  Intel sales will plummet.  No government wants to have its computers be at the mercy of us fed spying.  So this marks the likely end of Intel-CPU-based computer sales to any government entities worldwide.”


Harry aka Harquebus
Salisbury North.
South Australia.



3 responses

8 07 2016
Chris Harries

Meanwhile, back at the ranch this is what I got in my following email:

Hi there Chris

Did you know that enough sunlight falls on our planet in an hour to power the world for a year? Those amazing rays can help Australia move to 100% renewable electricity by 2030. They also make for a pretty picture!

This unbridled enthusiasm to do the impossible is very popular and contagious and one feels like being a spoiler in drawing attention to the real guts of the problem. It’s not just decision makers that have to come to terms with the reality of limits, this universal cultural denial is more pernicious in many ways than is the classic denial of climate change.

The upshot is that society is going to do everything possible to try to do the impossible no matter what, because the concept of retreat is unspeakable in our cultural world view. The growth meme is locked into our culture so deeply it is even locked into environmental culture.

8 07 2016

Re concrete. Did you hear China poured more concrete in 3 years than the USA did in 100 years!!! Because of that we use more sand than ever. It is only behind water and air as a resource.

9 07 2016
More Harquebus……… | Industrial Civilization - A Cult of Death

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