The true cost of scraping the bottom of the barrel

4 03 2014

Garth Lenz

Garth Lenz

I have incredibly fond memories of travelling through Canada……  in the 1970’s it was pristine wilderness, almost everywhere you went.  What is going on in the Athabasca where the tar sands are mined is truly shocking.  So I want to share with you the impassioned plea for help from photographer Garth Lenz (what a great name for a photographer!) who shares shocking photos of the Alberta Tar Sands mining project — and the beautiful (and vital) ecosystems under threat.

For almost twenty years, Garth’s photography of threatened wilderness regions, devastation, and the impacts on indigenous peoples, has appeared in the world’s leading publications. His recent images from the boreal region of Canada have helped lead to significant victories and large new protected areas in the Northwest Territories, Quebec, and Ontario.

Filmed at TEDxVictoria (Vancouver Island) on November 19 2011

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