More techno Utopia

20 10 2017

It never ceases to amaze what people will do in the name of sustainability……  or even believe that what they are doing is sustainable. An article from The Daily Times turned up in my newsfeed that everyone who read it thought was fantastic because it included the words sustainable, solar, and desalination….

Hope in Jordan is taking the form of a cucumber in the desert. It is not a mirage. Some say it is the future. In the arid southern desert of Wadi Araba, where scorching temperatures and dust devils leave scant signs of life, a team of environmental engineers is working on a solution for countries on the front lines of climate change, facing drought and rising temperatures.

The engineers say they are designing a sustainable farm that uses solar power to desalinate seawater to grow crops in regions that have been arid for centuries, and then use the irrigation runoff to afforest barren lands and fend off desertification.

As I continually say…… with fossil fuels, you can do anything…….

Even more frustrating, the article continues with…..

Similar ventures have had success in neighbouring Israel, but it remains to be seen whether a fully sustainable farm can breathe life into the Jordanian desert and offer a model to a country that cannot spare a drop of its dwindling water resources.

Well excuse me, but, there actually exists a “fully sustainable farm [that] can breathe life into the Jordanian desert and offer a model to a country that cannot spare a drop of its dwindling water resources”, and it wasn’t done with complicated technology that won’t be able to be fixed in ten years time, it was done with good old fashioned Permaculture Principles.

I will leave it up to you the reader to decide which way is actually the more sustainable….



6 responses

21 10 2017
Dennis Mitchell

More waste of resources. We seem to want to crash and burn with the greatest human suffering and ecological disaster possible.

21 10 2017

There’s no money to be made out of permaculture.

21 10 2017

When I first saw that video clip the stand out part was the complaint (?) that there was fungus growing under the compost.

27 10 2017

I thought it was more lack of understanding than a complaint…… it was obviously not common!

31 10 2017

But…but…but it’s solar! And it’s about plants!
And probably vegan too! It MUST be good in the world!

12 11 2017

My Lord! Lucky me! Thanks for your words.
I felt so lonely being surrounded and having to listen to all af those techno-cornucopians….
Any way to adopt the two of us please ;-).

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